Being that we (the developers) usually wants to work with the latest version of the tools we use I wrote a small Installer script to install all the needed components.
The script is:
Transcript open.
Installer installUrl: ''.
Installer installUrl: ''.
Installer installUrl: ''.
Installer installUrl: ''.
Installer installUrl: ''.
Installer installUrl:
Installer installUrl:
Installer installUrl:
Installer installUrl:
"Seems not work from FTP, install at hand"
"Installer installUrl: ''."
Installer installUrl: ''.
After the installation, you can put your Scribo to run, as follow:
SwazooAida demoStart.
(AIDASite named: 'aidademo') styleClass: #ScriboStyle; blog; wiki.
ScriboConsole new openAViewOnMe.
I tried this script succesfully on a stock Squeak 3.10.2 #7179 image. Of course, you should update the packages versions when they changes. Anyway, the script is
here also.
Another useful script (to my style of work at least), to customize the stock image with
some development tools is the next:
Transcript open.
Installer installUrl: ''.
Installer installUrl: ''.
Installer installUrl: ''.
Installer installUrl: ''.
Installer installUrl: ''.
Installer installUrl: ''.
Installer installUrl: ''.
Installer installUrl: ''.
Installer installUrl: ''.
It updates
Installer and install some tools I usually use to develop.