viernes, septiembre 05, 2008

Smalltalk/X site revamped

Yesterday, after a comment from Janko Mivšek (the author of Aida/Web), about a new port of his product, this time to Smalltalk/X I felt the need of visit the Exept Software AG site, that don't visited from a long time.

Was great to check that the site was completely revamped and a new version of Smalltalk/X is available.

I downloaded and installed the Linux version (see the attached pic) and it runs ok on my Xubuntu box.

After the installaton, I checked the documentation, in parts I knew from the past were incompletes and another great new! They are now completed and extended!. (At least those docs I knew from previous versions).

I already invested some time in the past in Smalltalk/X, were we used to have a wiki on the now defunct swiki.net and even a mail list, were Claus Gittinger posted sometimes.

Again, I want to give a try to ST/X, hope I will have time soon.

1 comentario:

Giuseppe Luigi Punzi Ruiz dijo...

Lo poco que ví en su día me gustó mucho.

Un problemilla que le ví, fué que no tenía versión nativa para Mac.