jueves, noviembre 11, 2010

Smalltalks 2010 started

Today started Smalltalks 2010 at UTN Concepción del Uruguay, Argentina. 

The conference started with the welcome talks from authorities of the University and the major of the city.

Then, Hernán Wilkinson gave the opening.

We had a lot of interesting talks and also very distinguished guests sharing their knowledgment.

The first talk was from Gilad Bracha about the Newspeak language and also we had the opportunity of hear Eliot Miranda talking about Code Generation

Further, we had a complete day plenty of interesting topics as you can check on the Schedule tab of the conference site.

In such important event also I had the opportunity to give my talk about Smalltalk & MicroISV's and I'm very happy of share these sort of things with the Smalltalk community.

Thanks FAST by the hard working to organize this event in Argentina!

1 comentario:

LU2JGP - Gustavo Fabián Paredes Delaloye dijo...

Realmente estoy sorprendido por la calidad de los exponentes.
Es todo un logro que hayan podido realizar esto en Concepción del Uruguay.

Y es un tiron de orejas para la facultad. Me refiero a la importancia de que los alumnos tengan un excelente nivel de inglés para poder seguir las ponencias de esta jerarquía. Es una necesidad imperiosa no bajar el nivel del idioma.
