domingo, noviembre 14, 2010

Smalltalks 2010 ended

A new edition of the Argentinian conference about Smalltalk ended and was really an excellent event, with a very very good organization,  thanks to the hard work of FAST people, and a high level technical talks.

Lot of international guests shared their knowledgment here mixed with lot of argentinian people showing their Smalltalk work. A big oppotunity to learn from others and to share three nice days, talking with other smalltalkers in the breaks and lunchs and dinners.

Also a very friendly and relaxing environment with excellent attention of the people of UTN Concepción. 



I really enjoyed a lot to be there and think that all people interested in objects technology can't miss the next conference in Argentina!

1 comentario:

LU2JGP - Gustavo Fabián Paredes Delaloye dijo...

Sinceramente, me SmallTalkearon !!!.

Voy a dedicarme a aprender este lenguaje.

Veo que cambiaste tu foto del blog.

Se ve que te gusto el rio Uruguay.

Felicitaciones a todos.
